The Kitchen Whisk in Dublin is celebrating its fifth anniversary with a wide range of activities this summer and continuing for several months. Activities include competitions on social media, special offers in store and online, as well as in-store demonstrations and events.”
The independent cookshop was founded by mother and daughter team Mary and Kate Masterton. “Mary and I both love food and cooking,” Kate explains. “We also love interiors and homewares products. Opening a cookware shop joined those two loves that we have.”
Peter Dunne, managing director of CellarDine supported the celebrations with two days in the store at the end of July, when he demonstrated and promoted the company’s wine accessories, provided free wine tips booklets and special offers to customers and helped with staff training.
Describing it as “an excellent trip which will be followed up by me with another “meet the maker” event in December,” Peter comments: “It was a privilege to be asked and take part, The Kitchen Whisk is a wonderful store full of superb staff and customers who are very engaging.”
Kate attributes part of The Kitchen Whisk’s success so far to the “atmosphere in the shop.” She told “We have lovely helpful staff who – combined with the warm look and feel of the shop – create an inviting atmosphere. Good customer service and a pleasant shopping experience are vitally important especially when you are up against big online marketplaces like Amazon.”
Top: A trained chef and an expert home cook: Kate and Mary Masterton are the daughter and mother team running The Kitchen Whisk in Dublin.