Recently retired bira ceo, Alan Hawkins has reflected that winning the Honorary Achievement Award at October’s Excellence in Housewares Award is “the pinnacle of anything I have achieved at bira,” adding that, “the award, and memories of receiving it, will stay with me forever.”
Alan comments: “My whole working life has been centred principally on looking after independent retailers, but retail in general too. The seismic changes affecting all retail cannot be underestimated, but with creativity and the service quality customers receive, matched by superb products in the housewares sector, means there will be a bright future whatever the current difficulties.”
In a speech prior to the announcement of the Honorary Achievement Award winner’s name, PH and’s editor Jo Howard recognised Alan as:“A steadfast champion of independent retail for over three decades” that has striven to halt the plight of indies and “facilitate their evolution through the formation of their own bank, inspirational training programmes and through forging symbiotic relationships with suppliers in our sector for the greater good of all.”

Alan’s financial acumen, vision to “create a more unified trade body, deliver a strong new identity and in doing create a louder voice that would be heard in the highest quarters,” and his role in gaining a recent audience for bira’s Business Rates Manifesto at the Houses of Parliament were also mentioned in the speech.
Top: Alan and his wife Madeline with the Honorary Achievement trophy