Black + Blum has launched a recipe book, Let’s Do Lunch Box. The hardback book – developed with publisher Dorling Kindersley – features 82 recipes in full colour. The book is designed to inspire consumers to make tasty meals, (lunch, breakfast or snacks) to take with them in their Black + Blum ‘on the go’ product of choice.
“We hope our retail partners will list the book and feature it alongside our lunch boxes,” comments Nick Cornwell, managing director of Black + Blum. “Giving consumers inspiration through the pages of the book, will make them more likely to buy a lunch box and the book too. This is something that will be particularly relevant once we exit lockdown and start the return to work. It is a book that really underlines our credentials in the food and drink on-the-go sector, by showing people how to get the most out of our well-designed products”.

As part of the company’s sustainability commitment, 5% of the sales revenue from every book sold will be donated to Black + Blum’s new charity partner City Harvest London. This is a charity that collects surplus food and gets it safely to the most vulnerable in society, thereby avoiding food waste.
Dan Black, founder and lead designer adds: “We are thrilled that we are going to be a small part of the great work being done by City Harvest London. It seems appropriate that we should help a charity local to our London base, where there is such an over-whelming need for this kind of support”.
Top: Black + Blum’s Dan Black assisting at City Harvest London during lockdown.