The business to business marketplace for premium branded housewares and homewares ‘superstock’ is proposing opening up the site for consumer purchases. Dominic Speelman, ceo of buyfair (and ceo of ceramics company MAKE International) acknowledges that many housewares supplies need to look at new strategies in order to survive the ‘unprecedented’ trading environment brought about by the pandemic. Dominic is asking fellow suppliers for their feedback on the proposal.
Dominic highlights that buyfair has competitive advantages over sites that such as eBay, Alibaba and Amazon. For example buyfair’s sellers are vetted and trusted, buyfair is exclusive to premium brands, all products are ‘in stock now’ and the site has a ‘unique, patent pending, multi-lot capability allowing multiple bidders the possibility of buying products at the fairest price.’

In a message to suppliers that are currently using the buyfair platform to reach trade buyers, Dominic states: ‘The reason for pivoting in this way is because the retail landscape has been changing for some time now but post COVID-19 it will be a very different place. We fear we will permanently lose many of the trade buyers on buyfair as many jobs will be lost and many stores will never reopen. Hence it makes sense for us to expand the audience for both buyfair and for our Sellers benefit.’
Sellers would be able to choose whether to sell to businesses, consumers or both via the site. The site has been praised by retail and hospitality buyers.
Top: Tableware features on buyfair.