Some well-known faces and names were in attendance at this week’s Exclusively Housewares and Exclusively Electrical Shows (June 11-12 Islington Business Design Centre), including TV chefs Lorraine Pascale and Jeremy Pang as well as scores of social media influencers, such as Lynsey Queen of Clean.
Wellness guru Lorraine Pascale helped to showcase her small electrical range from Haden on Sabichi’s stand on Tuesday. Lorraine picked her “most used” product from the range, ie the Health Blender, telling that: “I throw in frozen berries, ice cubes and whole pieces of ginger and turmeric and it creates this perfectly smooth juice, which I take out with me as the blender comes with several cups, which is really handy.”
Lorraine also highlighted the capability of her mixer: “I’ve just made some vegan meringues using chickpea water which can be really hard to whip up but his mixer is very powerful.” She adds: “There are attachments to whisk, beat and for bread.”
Meanwhile Tuesday also saw Jeremy Pang at the show, demonstrating knife skills using his School of Wok Chinese Cleave on Dexam’s stand. He explained the advantages of using a cleaver, particularly for Chinese dishes that require a lot of food preparation: “There is not much bending of the wrist so using a cleaver is less tiring than a western knife.” Jeremy showed visitors how to slice and dice efficiently and how to roll cut a pepper and cucumber.

A party of cleaning influencers celebrated the launch of the Eureka Swan vacuuming range on Swan’s stand in Exclusively Housewares. New ambassador for the brand Lynsey Crombie, aka Queen of Clean highlighted the Eureka Swan Hyper Clean as a “great little cordless vacuum that everyone can afford.” While Lynsey admitted to that she still uses a corded vacuum cleaner for deep cleaning, she emphasised: “Life is about quick and convenient cleaning and you can get your cordless out every day,”

The numbers of consumer press and social media influencers who attended the shows were well over double those at last year’s shows. Press and influencers were inspired by the Brand Showcase in the Media Centre, with many seeking out products on the show floors.
Tony Golby from George East reflected: “Business has changed dramatically in recent times; who would have thought that 10 years ago that we would have been just as excited about meeting a blogger now as we were making contacting with a department store chain or a cookshop group then.”
Top: Lorraine Pascale on the Sabichi stand at Exclusively Housewares.