Progressive Housewares magazine is delighted to confirm its charity initiative with Exclusively and In Kind Direct is gearing up again for 2022.
A leading UK charity, In Kind Direct enables more communities to thrive, believing everyone deserves access to life’s essentials and that no usable product should go to waste. In Kind Direct receives product donations of all kinds – including much-needed housewares – and distributes these to a network of charitable organisations across the UK.

“Exclusively exhibitors are invited to donate products (ideally with packaging), bringing them to the press office or a designated room when the show has closed on Wednesday June 15, along with a business card we can thank donor companies in our news,” explains Progressive Housewares’ editor Jo Howard. “Over the years, the housewares industry has shown incredible generosity, and donations can be anything from a single product up to a whole stand!”

Exhibitors that make donations are invited to come to the mezzanine stairs at 8.40am on Wednesday June 15 (holding a product) for a quick photo with In Kind Direct and Progressive Housewares before the show opens.
“It’s fantastic to see how donations from Exclusively exhibitors are changing lives for the better,” states Jo.

Exhibitors can find out how their housewares donations are helping communities with these stories:
In Kind Direct thanks Exclusively exhibitors for donations / Exclusively donors’ essential help for In Kind Direct
In Kind Direct is unable to accept donations of kitchen knives, cutlery knives, fragile glassware or unpackaged crockery.
* Progressive Housewares has been coordinating charity initiatives with the housewares industry since 2000, when the magazine launched its Housewares for the Homeless project in conjunction with Shelter. For any queries, please email PH’s Jo Howard at