Spring Fair (February 3-7 NEC) will deliver a wide range of insightful presentations and workshops for retailers. Topics on the Main Stage include Brexit strategies, retail technology and some inspirational personal stories behind well-loved brands. Diverse speakers include Wrendale, Pinterest, The V&A and The Colour Hive (colour and trend consultancy).
Trends will also be explored in The Studio at Spring Fair with speakers including trend spotter and futurist Paola de Luca and Jane Bellman, founder of Unique Style Platform.
Meanwhile a myriad of practical knowledge is on offer at the newRetail Skills Theatre. Helpful advice includesproduct photography and packing, Epos systems, fleet and freighting, social media strategies, stock planning and post Brexit currency management, in-store and online visual merchandising, and building a brand identity.

Following on from the success of Autumn Fair 2018’s Product Match app, which helped visitors find and locate the best suppliers for their business, Spring Fair will see the launch of a newly improved and updated version of the app.
The app will continue to learn about visitors’ preferences the more it is used to ensure that all Spring Fair attendees have a highly productive and streamlined experience of the show.
Top: An audience at Spring Fair 2018.