Specialist independent cookshop, home and gift store, Hargreaves & Sons in Buxton, Derbyshire has launched a new personal shopping service online, via Facebook Messenger video chat. The shop is also providing free local delivery, having stopped offering a click and collect in Lockdown 3.
Customers are invited to make an appointment by sending a Facebook message, and a member of the team will then guide them around the shop, answering questions and providing product advice.
Martin Coles-Evans, owner of the 150 year-old housewares store told HousewaresNews.net: “We have had great feedback with this new initiative with a handful of customers using the service so far. It is very early days and this completely new way of shopping with us is a great way we can serve our customers from the safety and comfort of their home.”

Martin reported: “Our customers are choosing home delivery through our website (provided by our chosen reliable couriers) and our Click and Collect service has been suspended during lockdown to discourage people from leaving their homes.
“Our free local delivery is done in person and allows us to keep engaged at a very personal level with our local customers, many of whom are really missing us with our doors being closed during lockdown.
“We are ever evolving and adapting with each lockdown hurdle, but becoming stronger and more resilient each time. 2021 has been a difficult start, but there is light at the end of the tunnel and I am optimistic that things will get much better soon!”
Top: Hargreaves’ new live stream shopping service is promoted on the shop’s Facebook page an online shop.