Harrods’ new look ‘Kitchen and Household’ department is encouraging new shoppers as well as delighting regular customers. The department moved position from the second floor to the third floor earlier this month.
There are no longer separate rooms for Cookshop and Small Domestic Appliances, meaning greater synergies and the ability for staff to sell across categories. The retailer has also taken the bold decision to ditch most of its boxed stock on the shopfloor, giving the department a premium, showroom feel. Staff members provide the boxed product from a nearby stockroom when a customer makes a purchase of, for example, SDAs and cookware.

Tableware and serveware areas flank the Cookshop and SDA sections, providing customers with a seamless shopping experience for home supplies. The newly re-branded ‘Kitchen and Household’ department is on the same floor as Home Furnishings and Linens, encouraging footfall of those shopping for the home.
“We are receiving fantastic feedback from customers.” confirmed Andrew Trace, sales manager for Homewares. “We’re providing a smoother shopping experience for customers that are buying for bigger projects and new homes.”

However, the crowning glory of the department is still under wraps – the new demonstration kitchen is due to open in mid December. It will be in use daily, ramping up the opportunities for providing customers with memorable experiences, inspiration and knowledge.
Top: Knives and part of a baking table feature at Harrods. (Photos: Helena Howard).