Independent cookshop and housewares retailers of all types are asked to add their voices THIS WEEK to the Retail Barometer, which looks back at 2019 and ahead at future expectations. The annual survey is sent out by, Progressive Housewares and The British Independent Retailers Association (Bira).
The survey is easy to fill in online and every retailer that participates helps to create a fuller picture of independent cookshop and housewares retailing – its trials and tribulations / challenges and triumphs.
The final deadline for responses is Monday March 9 2020.
Please CLICK HERE to take part.
The results of The Retail Barometer will be featured in the March/April edition of Progressive Housewares magazine and all participants will remain anonymous. The survey is now in its 15th year, and provides valuable insights for both retailers and suppliers on how they can support this vital sector of housewares retailing.

To review the results of last year’s Retail Barometer CLICK HERE
Top: Last year’s Retail Barometer asked independents for their expectations of 2019 (as featured in Progressive Housewares March/April 2019). So how was it really..? Independents are asked to add their voices to the current survey.