Talking on Radio 4’s Today programme as England’s lockdown began (November 5), Tracey Harvey, md of Harveys of Halifax said that the past three days have “felt like Christmas,” as local customers came in while they still could shop. The independent, fourth generation family owned department store has a well-stocked Cookshop.
Echoing the thoughts of housewares retailers across England, Tracey commented on the unfortunate timing of the current lockdown: “Obviously we were hoping for a great end to the year to make up for earlier on in the year.” She pointed out that: ”Stocks are at their absolute highest,” with invoices due for payment this month.

Tracey said that Harvey’s online sales, local delivery and Click & Collect service would not make up for lost revenue: “It doesn’t change how important a high street shop is.”
She also commented on the current ‘essential retailer’ classifications, stating: “It’s not a level playing field.”
“To me a garden centre is not essential, as, at this time of the year, a garden centre is a department store,” Tracey explained.
Top: Harveys of Halifax.