London Trading Standards is to launch a new Responsible Retailer Agreement (RRA) for knife sellers, together with good practice guidance and online training animations for shop staff. The agreement and training resources were created in partnership with the Mayor’s Office for Policing And Crime (MOPAC) and the Metropolitan Police.

Training videos were developed with feedback from independent cookshops and housewares stockists who met with MOPAC and the Met last year.
At an event this week, LTS will also highlight the role played by councils in preventing the illegal sale of knives to under 18s. It will raise concerns about the capacity of Trading Standards in London to enforce underage knife home deliveries enacted by the Offensive Weapons Act 2019.
Speakers will include Cllr Jas Athwal, London Councils Executive Member for Crime and Public Protection and LTS Director of Operations Stephen Knight.
The event forms part of London Trading Standards Week 2019 (9 – 13 September).