A winter warmer of an issue is all ready for you to read – it’s the last one of the decade!
What are the 2020 priorities for the Retail Employee of the Year winner and finalists? The retail superstars also reveal their strategies for coping with the stresses of Christmas trade in our festive Food for thought [p25-27]
A living wall, fresh baked loaf, and no boxes – be inspired by Harrods’ new look Kitchen & Household department. (p18-19]
Festive events, last minute orders and moving house – it’s an exceptionally busy month for the Bira Cookshop of the Year, Holly Wilson or Prep and Richard Dare in this issue’s From the frontline [p17]
Refuelling on the move is a huge category for the year ahead, so see what’s keeping drinks hot (or cold) and lunches intact in this insightful market focus. [P28-31]
Style, health and entertaining are all drivers in sales and development of small electrical food preparation, kettles and toasters. Read the latest on the plugged-in market. [p20-24]
Get the blues, pinks or yellows – delve into some colourful bestsellers, as highlighted by four cookshop and housewares retailers in this issue’s ‘What’s Cooking in colours and patterns?’ [p34-35]
Plus PH rounds off the year with news and views, including our dedicated BHETA and Bira pages. [p4-15]
Read the full issue HERE!