Bryan Clover, ceo of the industry charity, has warned that while media focus is currently on the General Election, it’s easy to forget a lot of people still have struggles to contend with.
“I have said it before, but it is worth reiterating that if you have cancer you don’t think twice about seeking help from Macmillan, so if there are financial problems, you shouldn’t hesitate to get in touch with the Rainy Day Trust,” said Bryan. “We would far rather get involved early to help tackle problems, than be called in at the last minute when things have got too big to solve.
“Too many people just flog on in silence when they don’t need to. Sometimes just a simple intervention is all that is needed.”
Bryan is asking businesses to encourage staff to talk to the Rainy Day Trust and has leaflets which can be emailed over, for printing off and displaying in public areas around the premises.
“Everything that we do is confidential,” added Bryan. “We are also more than happy to come and talk to teams, either managers and HR teams, or the whole staff team in small groups. Just email and we can book a visit.”
To contact the charity for support, call 0800 915 4627 or email via the RDT website Potential fundraising partnerships, contact Bryan directly