BHETA is to host a series of webinars to update its members on the implications and requirements of the new leglislation on plastic packaging. Content will include the legal ramifications, specific retailer requirements and potential solutions and strategies for suppliers. Since April 1, most packaging that has less than 30% recycled content is now subject to a tax levy of £200 per tonne.
Wastepack (one of BHETA’s business service providers) will start the webinar series next Tuesday, May 3 (10.30 am). BHETA, Wastepack and members have worked together extensively, lobbying Government to ensure that the new tax was administered in the fairest way possible. As a result, HMRC adopted guidance that has helped ensure that new measures have the smallest effect possible on BHETA members.
Paul Van Danzig, Wastepack’s policy director will provide an overview of what has changed one month on from the start of the tax, how the tax is working and how it may affect individual businesses. Any companies that are unsure whether they need to comply with new regulations will find the event particularly informative. Following the 20-minute presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to pose questions directly to Paul.

The next event is a webinar with Tesco (May 24) looking at how the retailer is implementing its own pioneering packaging strategy. Future events will include an advisory session with a packaging consultant.
“Sustainability is a critical topic from every point of view and packaging solutions are a big part of the solution, and of the debate,” comments Steve Richardson, BHETA’s marketing manager. He emphasises: “It is vital for all suppliers to get packaging right for the future and this series of events, of which there will be more, is an excellent way for BHETA members to ensure they are up to speed, and ideally ahead of the game.”
* To register, visit and follow the link or contact Rajni in Member Services on While these are BHETA member-only events, non-members who would like to attend can contact Seema Grantham, BHETA’s sector manager for housewares and small domestic appliances on 07946078566.
Top: Recycled plastic content is now required for most plastic packaging. Photo: Mali Maeder.