Tag: Borough Kitchen
on June 21, 2024

Housewaresnews.net finds out how Exclusively 2024 went for some of the exhibitors and visiting buyers.

on February 20, 2024

PH sits down with Borough Kitchen co-founders, Justin Kowbel and David Caldana, to hear ab

on November 3, 2023

Those who took home trophies in both the retail and product categories at last month̵

on October 25, 2023

Retailers who were honoured at the Excellence in Housewares Awards earlier this month, have b

on September 30, 2022

Borough Kitchen’s Adam is another superstar in the finals of The Excellence in Housewares Awa

on October 8, 2021

Awards reward hard work and commitment of whole retail teams in unprecedented times.

on September 21, 2021

Reactions from the retailer finalists: immensely proud, excited, honoured, so happy, and “it’s heart-warming.”

on April 16, 2021

A ‘strong start’ for first few days of re-openings in BK’s four London cookshops

on December 15, 2020

Reactions from Lakeland, Harrods, Borough Kitchen, Silver Mushroom, Camp Hopson and more.

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