Tag: Excellence in Housewares Awards 2021
on October 29, 2021

Read the new Excellence in Housewares Awards issue of Progressive Housewares.

on October 15, 2021

Winning an award is spurring on retail teams: more EIH 2021 winners’ reactions.

on October 12, 2021

The player that accumulated the most ‘cash’ wins Exposé Travel’s trip to Chicago.

on October 12, 2021

EIH Awards’ Outstanding Achievement winner acknowledged for substantial influence on knives sector.

on October 8, 2021

The housewares industry was ecstatic to come together at the Awards night on Wednesday.

on October 8, 2021

Awards reward hard work and commitment of whole retail teams in unprecedented times.

on October 6, 2021

Winners revealed during the industry’s grand reunion at The Excellence in Housewares Awards at

on October 5, 2021

The movers and shakers of housewares will meet for the 22nd Excellence in Housewares Awards.

on October 1, 2021

More comments from ecstatic finalists as The Excellence in Housewares Awards night approaches.

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