Tag: footfall
on January 8, 2021

Scrap business rates until 2022, says Bira after report on pandemic’s impact on footfall.

on September 25, 2020

Bira presses Government for business rates holiday extension to help high streets and retail jobs.

on September 18, 2020

Association lobbies for business rates freeze and Christmas voucher scheme from government.

on September 3, 2020

A ‘resilient homewares market’ has helped strong performance over the last two months.

on September 3, 2020

Shopping centre based Wooden Spoon The Cookshop reports on trade since reopening from lockdown.

on August 28, 2020

Kitchen electricals have been “flying off the shelves,” says Barkers of Northallerton’s cookshop buyers.

on August 28, 2020

Association examines high street ‘recovery’ figures from ONS.

on August 21, 2020

Bira is inundated with calls from indie retailers including housewares stockists.

on August 14, 2020

Housewares stockists share their post-lockdown experiences, benefiting from the rise in home cooking.

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