BHETA’s (The British Home Enhancement Trade Association) responsible knife retailing steering group has secured an update on the proposed Offensive Weapons Act (OWA), which will affect the sale of bladed items. The group has received a letter from the Home Office outlining the Government’s current position and had two meetings with the Metropolitan Police to discuss its latest thinking on the matter.
Referring to the OWA, Simon Eglington from the Home Office Serious Violence Unit confirms: “It is the Government’s position that these measures should be commenced as soon as possible”. However, he continued to state that: “We are concerned about the potential for placing additional demands and pressures on the retail sector, delivery and courier companies and the police at this time.”
Simon added: “We do hope to be able to give manufacturers, suppliers, importers and retailers at least three months’ notice of when the provisions are to commence.”
In BHETA’s meetings with the Metropolitan Police, it was suggested that the OWA legislation might be implemented in a two-part programme. Stage one may begin in the spring, with a second tier of legislation in the autumn.
BHETA’s steering committee will hold its next meeting in May to hear update on the latest information, a well as a presentation from the Metropolitan Police on its role in the OWA’s implementation. The meeting will also include a presentation from the Age Verification Team (discussing practical support) and a research study report into the future design of bladed items, including kitchen knives.
“It is to be hoped that the Government sticks to its plan to provide the industry with a notice period, which is one of the points about which BHETA has been lobbying,” said BHETA’s chief operating officer, Will Jones,who chairs the steering group. “Both suppliers and retailers need to be able to adjust to the new requirements in a positive manner, and for that some advance notice is required. The fact we have an indication now of the likely timing again helps with planning and BHETA is actively exploring all the practical measures which the home enhancement industry can take to achieve a positive result.”
BHETA’s consultative steering group for the sales of bladed products (formed in 2018) includes leading retailers and suppliers of knives.
For more information contact Nicola Adams, BHETA member services team manager on 07946 078566, or, or see
Top: OWA legislation covers age verified knives sales and deliveries to ensure knives are not sold to under 18s. (Photo: Lukas)