Huski Home – launched last December by Lisa and Luke Scott – is using waste products to create useful housewares products, including its fast selling travel cups that are made from rice husks. Huski will launch several new products at Exclusively Housewares (June 11-12, Business Design Centre).
There are already over 90 different retailers, including cookshops, health and wellbeing stores, spas and zero waste shops stocking Huski’s popular Eco-friendly Rice Husk Cups. The reusable travel cups help to address the problem of waste rice husk, which is often burned, causing problems for ecology, wildlife and communities.
Scarlet Opus has selected the cups for its ‘On Trend’ display at the Exclusively Shows. Huski will introduce new bright colours at the show, as well as new lunchboxes. The brand will also launch bowls made from discarded coconut shells and spoons made from coconut trees that no longer bear fruit, as well as biodegradable ‘grass’ straws made from the bottom part of bulrushes that are discarded in the manufacturer of mats.
“Our company ethos is to use anything that is natural waste,” explains director Lisa Scott. Reflecting on how Huski Home started, Lisa says: “We watched as many companies launched so called ‘eco-friendly products’ which upon researching further were not quite as good as they were portrayed. This got us thinking that there must be alternatives and other resources to utilise, this is where we came across the idea of using natural by-products, essentially Mother Nature’s waste.”
Lisa and Scott were also inspired by their six year-old son’s keenness to find alternatives to virgin materials after learning about rainforest deforestation. “Sometimes you must listen to a child who dreams and thinks outside of the box unlike adults who are often too crowded by responsibilities of daily life,” admits Lisa.
Huski Home was a finalist in the ‘Best New Eco Living’ Category at the Natural & Organic Awards Europe 2019.
Top: Huski’s popular Eco-friendly Rice Husk Cups are ‘On trend’ according to Scarlet Opus.