The proprietors of two independent cookshops made some cheery revelations when quizzed at the recent Excellence in Housewares Awards Product Judging Day.
Christine Lynn–Thomas, proprietor from Kooks Unlimited. Richmond:
What are you most proud of about the housewares industry?
“We are still clinging on… 30 years for me now. Lots of changes: I guess it’s an ability to adapt, bringing the kitchen into the home, and the home into the kitchen. Anything goes now.”
What has made you smile at work recently?
“When a disgruntled lady came back to the shop with a potato peeler telling me it was rubbish. I pointed out if she took off the blue safety film from the blade it would work a whole lot better! Made me smile!”

Who is your local hero and why?
“My definite local hero is David Attenborough. My sales on water bottles over the past couple of years I am sure down to him and his fight against plastic. He lives in Richmond and his late wife shopped with me for years too. We are all so proud that he is a local resident. Lovely man.”
Paul Geoghahan, proprietor from The Kitchen Range, West Wickham:
What are you most proud of about the housewares industry?
“The reps and experts in the homewares industry. I find them knowledgeable and accommodating. The service provided is generally of a very high standard.”
What has made you smile at work recently?
“Julia from KitchenCraft always makes me smile when she calls on The Kitchen Range. She is always positive, happy and the best rep in the housewares industry in my view.”
Who is your local hero and why?
“In West Wickham we have an exceptional man, who sweeps the streets and pavements. He is good at his job, friendly, happy and a total asset to the town.”
Top: Chris from Kooks and Paul from The Kitchen Range at the recent Excellence in Housewares Awards Product Judging Day.