The increased interest in home baking since the UK lockdown was imposed on March 23 has lead to a surge in demand for bakeware, according to Lancashire based manufacturer What More UK. The company has announced that they have had to start running night shifts to keep up with the demand.
Director Tony Grimshaw OBE states: “It’s great that people are remembering the traditional skills of home baking. If there’s one good thing that comes out of this national crisis, it’ll be a generation of kids who learnt how to cook a decent meal by watching their parents in the kitchen, like it used to be in the days before takeaways, microwave meals and TV dinners.”

Tony also reflects that: “the British nation are regaining a bit of pride in the national cuisine.” He adds: “Those who criticise English food seem to have forgotten about home baking. There’s not much more traditional than a delicious Victoria Sponge, or a hearty steak and kidney pie.”
Top: Bakeware made by What More UK.