The British Chamber of Commerce has recognised the work of What More UK, contributing to national commerce and the fight against Covid-19. The housewares manufacturer appears on the British Chamber of Commerce’s list of UK Business Heroes 2020.
Since the outbreak of Covid-19, What More UK has ramped up production to meet increased demand for bakeware, recruited more than 40 new staff, expanded its export markets, and turned its production line into a manufacturing plant for personal protective face visors for the NHS.

The British Chamber of Commerce is the central body connecting and representing all 52 regional Chambers in the country. It states that it launched the Business Heroes campaign ‘to recognise the incredible work that UK businesses are doing, in the most challenging of years.’
Company Director Tony Grimshaw OBE commented: “We’re very grateful to the Chamber of Commerce for this recognition. It’s a great boost for us and we want to thank everyone involved.”

Meanwhile What More UK has announced the appointment of Rob Walker as its new director of manufacturing. Rob joined in 2014 as manufacturing manager. Tony states that Rob has “proved himself over and over again, and he deserves the top job.”
Top: What More’s hq in Lancashire.