As cookshops and housewares stockists prepare for the run-up to Father’s Day, the big question is: what gifts do men really want? Matt Long, director at Buff of Cowes provides some inspiration from his shop’s good sellers:

Stojo Brooklyn 12oz Collapsible Cup from Auteur
Fill up in the coffee shop (no single-use cups!) – when you have finished the Stojo collapses flat so it fits neatly in your pocket or bag and won’t leak coffee dregs all over your stuff!
Umbra Udock Tablet Stand from Umbra
Super sleek folding tablet stand – great to use for checking recipes while you’re cooking.
Forest & Forge 8” Cooks Knife from Dexam
Exquisite British made cook’s knife, with olive ash handle from sustainable forests in Yorkshire. An amazing gift for a keen cook.

Corkcicle Shaker from Auteur
The Rocktanium range’s super non-stick gives you great results whether it’s a fry up or a frittata.
Stellar Rocktanium 30cm Frying Pan from Horwood
The Rocktanium range’s super non-stick gives you great results whether it’s a fry up or a frittata.
The Roasting Tin by Rukmini Iyer from Bookspeed
The essential cookbook inspiration for weekday dinners – everything goes in one roasting tin
Top: Attracting tourists and locals on the Isle of Wight, Buff of Cowes stocks a great range of design-led kitchenware, homewares and gifts.