It comes as no surprise that prior to taking over The Woodbridge Kitchen Company four years ago, co-owner Kirsteen Torrance taught art. Kirsteen’s creatively crafted windows scooped the trophy for Excellence Retail Display (Independent) at the recent Excellence in Housewares Awards.
The Woodbridge Kitchen Company submitted images of six of its windows throughout the year in the run up to the Excellence in Housewares Awards judging. With a beach of real sand, giant butterflies (made from coffee filter paper) and a swooping seagull among other whimsical delights, features the winning displays.

* To be considered for The Excellence in Retail Display Awards (both Independent and Multiple/Department Store categories) in The Excellence in Housewares Awards 2020,housewares retailers can submit images of their best windows and interior displays throughout the year (for a total of six windows/ displays). Email to